Our Programme (The Be Ready Course)
The Programme delivers tailored work preparation outcomes aimed at providing confidence building and motivation that supports employment aspirations, for people with health conditions, injuries, physical and /or intellectual disability, or mental health conditions. These should not be barriers to employment, but sadly they are and there is very little available to those with chronic long-standing conditions or congenital disabilities.
Without support to move into the workforce or return to it, people with such barriers are unlikely to recover full or achieve positive outcomes depending on their disability.
We run three courses per year, each lasting 12 weeks. This is provided in a workshop and factory setting. They are targeted towards youth with the ain of helping them enter employment. We do accept any age and two people from this year’s courses have been brought into our office, so a workshop setting is not limiting on types of employment.
One member of the course stated:
“My experience from attending the “Be-Ready” course is that I have redeveloped my vocational, interpersonal and workshop skills, but also my self-esteem has improved immensely, I am able to see that I do have value in society and that my self-worth is not measured by my disability, but instead in my ability to find strength in body, mind and spirit. “
This is our goal for every person who walks into Wanganui Enterprises, regardless of condition.